Wednesday 28 July 2021

Weaver: Northwich -> Vale Royal 28/7/2021

Start: 10:15 Northwich

End: 12:00 Vale Royal moorings

Miles: 3

Locks: 2

Lock miles: 5

Engine hours: 632.2 start / 634.3 end

Lazy start: Brunch at Bear - Pancakes with maple syrup and bacon for Andrew and shrivaka (?) with poached eggs and feta for Alison (this was a rich tomato stew with pickled onions (very gentle pickle - must research recipe)). Very good coffee!

Round the corner to Asda for provisions and away we went, noting the length of moorings available (lots) opposite the marina and two day morrings just below Hunts Lock, also close to Northwich town centre.

Short wait at Hunts Lock while 3 boats came downstream. At Vale Royal locks, the heavens opened - Andrew got drenched while Alison hid inside!

Continuing up to the moorings, a heavy rain front visibly chased us up the river and overtook us just as we moored up! At least rings made mooring up quick… Literally 8 minutes later the sun was back out. Vale Royal moorings and their bench are ours alone!

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