Interesting start to the day when I looked out of the front window to see the 2nd boat ahead of me at a 45 degree angle across the cut!
There had been some boats passing quite early ie 6:45ish and they were not hanging around so the other boat must have had its pin pulled.
I got some clothes on and went to investigate. There was already one guy with a dog stood by the boat and another came off the boat in front of me. The dog walker had already tried knocking on the boat but no response. Either heavy sleepers or not there. I later spotted the padlock on the rear door - away...
I went to fetch a couple of spare ropes while one of the others investigated the stern rope (bow was still moored). He found the pin hanging in the water.
I joined my two ropes and gave one end to the dog walker. Then walked the other end along the boat and handed it to the other guy to tie to the stern rail. It was then easy to pull the boat back in and re-pin it.
Later in the day, the parents of the boat owner came for a short stay and I had a chat with the father. Gave him the tip about using two crossed pins which he took up.
After breakfast I got started on the boat. First stage was to wash the roof then polish using the surface restorer we got at Wrenbury Mill during our recent trip.
Next lifted the matting in the cratch area and rear deck. Plenty of accumulated muck under both. The front deck board was in poor condition as was the cratch floor. Washed both areas first.
Sanded the deck boards and got a first coat of wood stain on.
Then worked on scraping / sanding / wire brushing the cratch area. Got that back to a reasonably firm surface then applied lots of Fertan to leave overnight.
Got a 2nd coat of stain on the deck boards. Front board needs a 3rd coat as it was mostly bare before I started.
Washed the poles and gangplank before replacing on the roof. Also the life ring which was particularly grubby...
Decided to dismantle the deck mats. They just seem to gather muck & moisture under them. Their pointy feet seem to damage the deck underneath and are a literal pain if you have pulled one back to, say, access the stern gland greaser and kneel on the mat... Took pictures to remember pattern if we did decide to put them back...
I have a lot of non-slip tape on board waiting to be used so will try that on the deck.
Pretty tired after a full day washing, polishing, scraping and painting so quiet evening with bresaola and salad for dinner followed by a yoghurt. All accompanied by a couple of bourbons.